Make All Equal scoring

nello scoring:
• Subtask 1 [ 0 points]: Sample test case.
• Subtask 2 [ 5 points]: N = 2, Hi ≤ 4, Qadd ≥ 3000 and Qcompare ≥ 4000.
• Subtask 3 [16 points]: N = 2, Hi ≤ 1 000 000, Qadd ≥ 22 and Qcompare ≥ 1.
• Subtask 4 [15 points]: N = 256, Hi ≤ 10, Qadd ≥ 3000 and Qcompare ≥ 255.
• Subtask 5 [18 points]: N = 4, Hi ≤ 1 000 000, Qadd ≥ 45 and Qcompare ≥ 3.

Le disuguaglianze relative a Qadd e Qcompare sono giuste?
Sto provando a farlo e vanno bene cosi come sono.