I am Very Excited to join this Community!

Hi everyone!

I am really excited to join this community. I am new here and eager to learn and improve my problem–solving skills. I have always been interested in programming and challenges; and this forum looks like the perfect place to grow, connect with others; and share knowledge.

I have heard great things about the contests and discussions here and I am looking forward to diving into it all. I am still learning so I might ask a lot of questions but I hope to contribute in the future as well.

If anyone has any tips or advice for getting started or resources I should check out, I would really appreciate it. I am here to learn, have fun and hopefully make some new friends along the way…!

Looking forward to meeting you all and being part of this awesome community…! :grinning:

Thanks! :pray:

Derek Theler

4 Mi Piace

Hey Derek,

I’m really happy to hear that you’re so motivated to dive into Competitive Programming!

First of all, I’d recommend learning C++ if you haven’t already. While many contests allow multiple programming languages, C++ is one of the fastest and is accepted in all serious contests. It also has great advantages, like the STL library, which is a huge help.
W3School - C++

Here are some great resources to help you learn basic techniques and algorithms (in my opinion, ranked from best to least useful):
Codeforces - There are many useful blog posts, just search the topic you want to learn followed by “codeforces” and many good posts should show up.
CP Algorithms - Really nice library of algorithms and techniques.
Usaco Guide

Personally, I don’t love reading books on Competitive Programming since all the resources you need are available online, but if you prefer studying that way, I’d recommend:
CSES handbook (AKA. the Bible of competitive programming)
CP 4

Here are a few platforms where you can train and solve problems:
Codeforces Problemset
CMSocial - The italian competitive programming training platform.
oj.uz - I wouldn’t recommend starting here, as many of the problems are sourced from international CP contests and tend to be quite challenging.
Leetcode - It’s designed for coding interviews, a few problems are cool though.

I’d also suggest creating a profile on Codeforces, where you can take part in online contests (one every 3-4 days). Each contest is divided into divisions (from 1 to 4), with 1 being the hardest and 4 being the easiest.

Here’s a piece of advice: don’t get too comfortable. Always try to solve problems that are just beyond your current skill level (but don’t go overboard—solving problems that are way too hard won’t help much at the beginning).

Good luck! If you need any tips or advice, feel free to ask on the forum or drop me a message on Codeforces (Codeforces - acoatoitgs)!

Take care!

5 Mi Piace